Dear Frustrated Professional or Executive Woman:
Do you long for the prestige of an executive position and all the success you have longed for?
Are you ready to figure out how to stop being held back in your career, passed over for promotions, or unclear on your career direction?
Then you’re in the right place…and I’m so glad we’ve connected.

My name is Dr. Madeline Ann Lewis, and I’ve been where you are! Throughout my career, I have mentored, coached, and advised women who were unhappy in their careers. Why do I do this? Because I was lucky enough to have people in my life that did the same for me. These individuals were instrumental in helping me reach my goals, and I want the same for you.
With my help and a serious commitment on your part to changing your circumstances, you can move forward from “Frustrated and Stuck” to “Freedom and Success.” You can land in a career that will fill you up, show your true potential, and ignite your passion. You will look forward to each day with anticipation and a deep knowing that you are making a difference that matters to “YOU.”
As you may know, women represent just 3% of Fortune 500 CEOs and less than 15% of corporate executives at top companies worldwide – but women also make up 40% of the global workforce, with double-digit growth in certain countries. Have you wondered what the secrets are to getting into the top ranks, whether in the private or public sector?
What if there were a predictable roadmap for executive success – proven over years by other women – that would let you FAST TRACK your success and move forward in weeks or months instead of years?
Now there is.
After being a successful executive myself for more than 20 years – in the challenging male-dominated fields of government and the military – I’m now ready to share my secrets I have learned, and that other successful women I have researched have demonstrated, that will save you time, make you money, and help you overcome frustration.
This success did not come easily! I was blessed with mentors that guided me, and I have also been a student of executive success for women – studying the leading women in their field and how they got there. The result? I have discovered the 8 Habits of Highly Successful Women – and I am now ready to share them with you in a convenient teleclass format to help YOU become one of them!
A Little More About Me
I created this course from my own experience as well as independent research. My professional background includes positions in the city government, the federal government, and the U. S. military. I am the President/CEO of the Executive Women’s Success Institute and have authored two books, Finding Your Best Inside: How to Persevere and Become the Person You Are Meant to Be and Playing from the Blue Tee: Women in the Federal Government.
My doctorate is in Management and Organizational Leadership. A frequent speaker, seminar leader and media guest, I have coached hundreds of individual clients. Recently, I was blessed to be selected by the Minority Enterprise Executive Council as one of the “50 Women of Power in Business” in 2012. I also attained certification by The Professional Woman Network as a Diversity Trainer with special emphasis in Women Issues.
My commitment to this course is to help you become the woman you were meant to be – and to attain the success you dream about!
What You Will Learn
The old adage “what you don’t know won’t hurt you” is not true when it comes to advancing in one’s career. In this case, knowledge is king! When moving up in an organization is your objective, you need to learn as much as possible. In your pursuit of career success, you must be open and receptive to making life-altering changes that will get you to where you want to be. We all need to make our own success, but most people don’t succeed all on their own. Asking for support and assistance is a sign of strength, not weakness. Failing to understand how to level the playing field can be a costly mistake. This 8-week series (via Zoom) will keep you from being sidelined in your career and help you move forward powerfully to the woman you long to be.
Here are just a few of the takeaways you can count on from this amazing program:
- Clarity on your life purpose
- Know why you have been passed over or held back – and what to do next
- Acknowledge what is unique about yourself
- Take control of your own destiny
- Increase your professional skills and competencies – in the areas that will help you most
- Well-articulated goals for success – and a plan to accomplish them
- Know what your natural talents and gifts are – and how to use them most effectively
- Identify which of the typical obstacles (internal and external) you face – and how to overcome them
- How to objectively explore your options (with an open mind)
- The importance of being decisive – and how to “stick to your guns”
- Do’s and don’ts in using a mentor or coach
- Keys to being open and receptive to the advice you need
- Leverage your power to foster change and success in all areas
- How to speak up and be noticed
- How to trust your instincts and intuition
- Keys to formulating both short and long-term career goals
- What it means to “think like a leader”
- Learn to exceed your own expectations
- Stop merely “striving” for excellence – and become a thriving executive!
- Avoid common mistakes along the way
- And much more!
Have you been asking these questions?
Here is one way to know if this is the right course for you. Are you asking yourself:
- Do I have the skill sets to be in an executive position?
- How can I assess my abilities?
- What can I do to move forward in my career?
- How do I know if this is my passion?
- What can I do to reinvent myself?
- Why is it necessary to brand me in the workplace?
- How can I get the support I need?
- Is a coach really necessary?
- How do I stand out from other competing candidates?
If so, then you can’t afford NOT to join me for this course!
Here is the EXACT Curriculum we will explore together:
In this exciting program, I am going to walk you through all 8 of the habits of executive success, as follows:
Habit 1: Discover Your Purpose, Gifts, and Talents
This module will help you take an inside look at your natural gifts and talents – your raw materials for success!
Part of having the success that you want means understanding who you are and what makes you “tick.” We are each born with a purpose, and that purpose truly is one of the reasons we exist. However, bringing it to fruition and living it is ultimately up to us. We don’t “decide” what our purpose is we “discover” it as we journey through life. While there is a direct correlation between your destiny and your purpose, one of the unique differences is that destiny happens with or without your contribution. However, you must be a hands-on contributor in fulfilling your purpose and discovering your gifts.
You will discover:
- how to find that “something” you have been looking for
- what makes your life worth meaning
- how to move forward and realize your dream(s)
- how to get out of your own way
- how to stop blocking your dreams
- how to create the success you envision for yourself
Habit 2: Deliberately Design Your Ideal Career
This module will guide you in setting specific goals and a vision for what success means for you – and a plan for its fulfillment.
As a professional woman today, you have more choices and options than ever before. No career is outside the possibilities – and top leadership roles are within your reach. However, you must evaluate your personal and career objectives, you must take inventory of your current skills, you must have a plan, you must have a desire to advance and you must be willing to work hard to achieve your goals. When the goal is advancing to the next level in your career, you cannot allow others to become a stumbling block and hindrance to your ideal career or success.
You will learn:
- what elements your career plan needs to have – and in what order
- how to set achievable goals
- how the successful executive woman plans her success track (it’s not the traditional way!)
- how to use persistence and determination to succeed despite all odds
- how to be open and receptive to making key changes to move your career forward
- how to think of yourself as a success, since success begins on the inside!
- how to face your giants (whatever they may be) head-on
“I saw a connection when at the end of your presentation, women spoke their desires to redefine their priorities to empower themselves, take charge of their destiny, and create a more fulfilling lifestyle.” Dr. Amicitia (Cita) Maloon-Gibson, President/CEO, MGAA Professional Development Institute,
Habit 3: Identify Potential Barriers and Strategize Around Them
This module will discuss how to identify and transform your limiting beliefs that inevitably arise when you are trying to create something new.
Women are developing high skill levels and obtaining more education that is preparing them for executive positions. However, gender status beliefs continue to create obstacles for women to overcome. Although women and men may face some of the same obstacles in the business world, their reactions to those obstacles may be different. Women seem to face extra challenges, and this is multiplied when you have your eye on the executive suite.
You will master:
- how to move past your self-limiting beliefs
- how to boost your self-confidence and project a positive self-image
- typical barriers that could impede your rise to success, and how to overcome them
- why women have to work harder to reach the top executive positions
- why women are uncomfortable promoting themselves when they are doing a good job
Habit 4: Be Decisive and Move Forward with Confidence
This module will help you master how to make a decision and stick with it…good, bad, or indifferent, stand by your decision (and what happens when you don’t!).
When it comes to making decisions and judgment calls, a good leader must do so with confidence and belief in the choice(s) they’ve made. If you second-guess your own decisions, others will too. In a leadership role, it’s important not to be wishy-washy and repeatedly indecisive. This invalidates your ability and may eventually cause a lack of respect among your team members, subordinates, and staff.
You will learn:
- how to stop procrastinating or allowing uncertainty to take control
- how to trust your instincts
- to believe in yourself
- how to not second guess your decisions and to trust yourself
- how to effectively analyze, articulate, and draw conclusions with confidence
Habit 5: Get the Right Mentor – and Follow Their Advice
This module will help you master the benefits of having a mentor – including the time savings and forward progress acceleration it can bring!
A mentor can help you answer tough questions about your career path and get perspective on the field you would like to be in. The mentor relationship could even help you eventually land a new job. Regardless of whether the mentor is male or female, a mentor is needed to climb the rungs to success. Although hard to measure the value of this type of mentoring cannot be under-estimated.
You will learn:
- how to define what you want from a mentor
- how to structure the mentoring relationship
- how and where to find a good mentor
- what makes a good mentor
- what a mentor will provide
- what makes a good mentee
- the difference between a mentor and a sponsor and the value of both
- the warning signs of an unhealthy mentoring relationship – and what to do if it happens to you
Habit 6: Take Charge of Your Personal Brand and Professional Image
This module will help you master the impact of self-branding and first impressions.
The old adage “dress for success” still holds true. Men of a certain caliber usually have tailored suits. Women tend not to be as conscious that dress is part of their professional brand. You don’t need a tailored suit, but you do need to avoid walking around in low-cut tops, flip-flops, tennis shoes, and jeans. Consider how you are dressing and the image you are portraying. There is no room for anything less than a highly polished impeccable wardrobe. This becomes more important now when you want to distinguish yourself as a polished professional and executive material.
You will learn:
- how first impressions are formed based on what we see and create in our minds
- how to make first impressions work for you instead of against you
- how to develop every aspect of your “professional image”
- how to pursue your career goals with greater self-esteem and confidence
- the importance of having a professional presence in the workplace
“The attendees were upbeat in their praises of your seminar. You were informative and enthusiastic and met the needs of all the attendees. You have the ability to motivate others and you do that well within the context of your educational and well-organized seminar format.” JoAnne White, PhD, President/CEO of Doc White Consulting Services
Habit 7: Tap into the “Old Girls” Network – and Use it Effectively
This module helps you master the importance of women working together in groups to find resources, expand their network, and share their mission with others.
Many women lack a window into the upper echelons of management, so it becomes hard for them to understand their larger role within the organization. Women need to create strategic relationships with other women managers and tap some of those people to be their mentors.
Figuring out “who are the right women you need to connect with to meet your goals” can be a hard decision to make. But it is a necessary factor, and a vital step that cannot be ignored especially for one who wants to move forward and advance to the next level in their career. Women need to be more aggressive in creating a good-old-girl network within their organization and personal lives.
You will learn:
- how to make personal contacts with other women
- how to find like-minded women who will support you in your goals
- how to network with progressive women across sectors and backgrounds who can open doors for you professionally and socially
- how to foster personal and professional connections to support your success
- the value of building a female-based network
- how to keep the line between networking and friendship from being blurred
Habit 8: Assume the Persona of a Successful Executive
This module will discuss how to develop your presence and radiate competence.
A successful executive has a presence, as well as the ability to radiate competence. They know how to “think big” and get others to follow their lead. However, most women tend to put themselves in the background. They learn to be small and not step out front or toot their own horn. Women have a talent for being good listeners, fostering communication, and creating motivated teams, but they also tend to be less skilled at the kind of behaviors that lead to executive positions. As a successful executive, you have to learn how to take charge and stop looking to others for direction.
You will learn:
- the earmarks of a highly successful woman
- how to be more fully who you are
- how to step into the spotlight and stop lingering in the background
- the behaviors that lead to executive positions
- the importance of taking charge and how to stop looking to others for direction
- how to increase your self-knowledge and discover what is important to YOU
- how to unleash your true potential and succeed
Here’s What Others Say About My Presentations
“Just wanted to say thanks for your presentation for IBM’s Women Super Group; about the best I’ve ever heard.” Best… -Mary Byrd, Executive Consultant, IBM Software Group
“Even though you were called at the last minute, you did an awesome job at the conference workshop! I learned an abundance of knowledge and wanted to say ‘thank you’” -Joyce L. Hall, MPA, CHSM, Program Management Analyst, Dept. Veterans Affairs
“Your knowledge of the topic area, combined with the practical experience you were able to incorporate into the presentation, provided the participants with outcomes that could be immediately applied to their job.” -Susan Shumate, Executive Director, National-Louis University
How is This Course Delivered?
When you enroll in this ground-breaking program, you will be added to our course list for the LIVE teleclass program starting (date to be determined) and continuing for 8 full weeks. It will be like I have my eye on your career progress and growth, each week, to help you reach clarity on your next step, burst through any apparent obstacles, and take action toward your goals! The course includes:
- 8 content-packed handouts that guide you step-by-step through the process outlined above
- 8 mp3 audio recordings of each class session
- 8 60-minute group coaching and teaching sessions designed to guide your forward progress in real-time
Is This Right for Me?
This program is for you if you are a manager, leader, executive, or professional woman, either in a corporation or in the federal government, who:
- Does not have a career plan in place
- Needs guidance on how to move their career forward
- Feels alone and unsupported in career goals
- Knows you need to develop new skills but aren’t sure which are best for you
- Needs to better understand how to navigate the career advancement process
- Are approaching retirement but not ready to go
- Are at a career crossroads and need some guidance on the next steps
- Are getting passed over for promotions and need a strategy for a strong future
You will LOVE having this easy-to-follow roadmap to the next steps in your career – and the way out of any self-sabotaging behaviors that have held you back so far!
In addition to the juicy manual and mp3 recordings, you will also receive the following bonuses:
Bonus 1: Rising to the Top: A Guide to Success (coauthored by Jim Rohn, Patricia Ball, Les Brown & Dr. Madeline Ann Lewis)
Bonus 2: You’re on Stage: Image, Etiquette, Branding & Style – (coauthored by Dr. Madeline Ann Lewis)
Bonus 3: Professional Development Assessment
I’m so eager to guide you in your OWN Fast Track to Executive Success during our 8 sessions together.
“Love This Program or Your Money Back” Guarantee
Register for my *8 Habits of Highly Successful Women * now and attend the first two class sessions.
Then, if, for any reason, you honestly feel you did not get MORE than the information promised, just let me know personally, quietly return your materials, and tell me you want to quit the remainder of the program. You won’t owe any more payments.
You see, I ONLY want to coach and train people who love what they get from all my expertise, caring, and attention. I KNOW that nothing out there comes CLOSE to the experience and information in this program. So this “From the Heart” guarantee is my way of taking ANY worry off your shoulders about making this important decision. You have my word on it!
Dr. Madeline Ann Lewis

Ready to register?

Yes, Madeline, I want to join you for the 8 Habits of Highly Successful Women and get on the Fast Track to my professional success now!
I understand that by registering today, I will receive your entire “8 Habits of Highly Successful Women: Your Fast Track to Success” course, including 8 live teleclasses, information-packed handouts, mp3’s for each session, and your special bonuses described above.

My total value including Fast Action Bonuses:
- ** 8 hours of live video (via Zoom) interaction with you
- ** 8 handouts
- ** 8 mp3 recordings of the class sessions
- ** BONUS 1 book listed above
- ** BONUS 2 book listed above
- ** BONUS 3 assessment listed above
Fast Action Bonus: the first 5 registrants to sign up for a new session will also receive a complimentary 20-minute Success Boost Coaching Session with Dr. Lewis! (a $450 value!)
TOTAL VALUE: $5497 – You pay just $3497.
Your receipt will show Deline Institute for Professional Development
I look forward to sharing this powerful experience with you!
Dr. Madeline Ann Lewis
Questions? Feel free to contact us – someone will get back to you within 24 hours!